Knee Pain

Knee Pain

Knee pain can result from disease, overuse injury or trauma. In runners, the knee is the part of the body that is injured most often. Changes to the knee related to aging (osteoarthritis) commonly occur in people over the age of 50. Thousands of steps, squats, and twists to the knee over a long life can cause changes to cartilage and other parts of the knee. Knee pain also occurs in growing children. Changes during growth can affect knee function and pain can reduce a child’s physical activities, which may lead to other problems later in life.

Knee pain can be mild, or it can be severe and sharp. Knee injuries can result from a direct blow to the knee or a sudden movement that strains the knee beyond the normal range of motion. Knee pain can make it hard for you to walk, rise from a chair, climb stairs or play sports.

Everest Rehabilitation Services physical therapists are trained to treat and help ease knee pain and restore movement. They also can work together with other members of your health care team.

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